Technologies That Will Change Your Life

Walk with the dreamers image

Life as we know it is about to change.

We invite you to walk with the dreamers and the doers as we look at 10 Technology Trends that will shape our future. Each trend is explored through a different lens - some have military applications, others will revolutionise your personal life. Will they result in a better world? Only time will tell.

  1. Imagine not just buying products online but being able to print them out at home on your own 3D Printer.
  2. See in 4D - think how useful it would be if you looked at the world and saw not just what was in front of you … but also information about that scene with Augmented Reality.
  3. Take your files, photos, music, and social network with you where-ever you go. You’re always online with Cloud Computing.
  4. Kiss your electricity bill good-bye and tap into the clean, freely available energy source that is Consumer Solar Power.
  5. Enjoy freedom from flat-screen tyranny – simply strap on a helmet with a Flexible Display.
  6. Let the little guys do the hard work as Nanotechnology revolutionises the automobile industry.
  7. Experience a whole new sort of relationship. Sixth Sense technology is a gestural interface that lets you interact physically with the world around you.
  8. Contribute to the efficiency of the electricity network every time you flick a switch. Smart Grid technology promises more economic, reliable and sustainable electricity supply.
  9. Appreciate how clever your Smart Phone really is as it turns into your personal medical monitor, a pocket supercomputer or your digital wallet.
  10. Join those who navigate the digital world without the flick of a finger using Touch Screen Technology.